We both know that there are two common types of practice in the field of search engine optimization, the white hat practices and the black hat practices. Those who follow the codes of optimization are called white hats, while those people whom go a little bit way beyond the ethics are considered spammers or black hat.
The recent changes in search engines algorithm especially Google’s Panda and Penguin update hit almost every website, penalizing those who are considered spam. Supposedly, black hat practitioners should already stop, but no, they continue sending and creating more spam that ever.
Did it ever wonder to any of you why black hat is still ongoing? Didn’t it ever cross your mind that, yeah I am an SEO why not try some black hat tactics? Moreover, is there really a full proof white hat? I mean not even a single ounce of black hat practice?
Some internet marketing experts stated that you can’t really tell if a certain Ecommerce Web Designer administer a design that is favorable only for white hat practices unless you checked the coding. Again, is there a full proof of white hat only?
As a member of an established Search Engine Optimization Company and a part time blogger, there is a time that I wonder if there really is a clean white hat and so I tried asking different persons in the same field, and you know what I learned?
They can’t also tell as much as I can’t clarify it to myself, perhaps at some point of your link building promotion you’ve stumble on something or performed a tiny bit black hat without even noticing. Maybe at some point of optimizing a website you have added a code or something, a command or a meta that can actually be considered as a spam by the search engines. It’s a fifty-fifty result.
So now I am asking you, your view on this issue, are there really a purely white hat link building/promotion?
Below is something I stumble upon while researching:
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